Wednesday, January 7, 2009

a working drawing "Challs"


Gordon Scott said...

Hello there buddy, how you doing? Been a long time so we must meet up sometime in the near future. When we were young whipper-snappers I thought you were a great artist but by God you've turned into a brilliant artist. I enjoyed looking at the pictures you sent Jo - you don't look any older. Have you signed a pact with the devil or something? Yes, I've off to Everest Base Camp in April, can't wait. Hope my 53 year old body can take it. Still singing in a band, playing guitar and generally not acting my age. Stay in touch and let's make some plans to meet up. Gordon xxx

arabhorses said...

Hi Gordon

Thanks for the lovely comments. You have turned into a daredevil! Going to Everest sounds wonderful and definately something I would love though I'm not so sure my 47 yr old body could take it. I've taken a few knocks and falols with the horseriding and it doesn't feel so good when I wake up in the morning. Stiff and full of aches and pains but you can't let that get to you! All the best to you. I have looked through lots of your blog - very interesting and love the video footage. That's something I must do. Jennifer is like a young Joanne! It's scarey. I would love to meet up with you all some time. I really would. Alyson told me of your blog when we were out to lunch so first hting I did was look you up when I got home.

Jackie xxx