Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tues pm

Well it's nearly here! Countdown to Malvern. Looking really forward to it but will miss the husband, horses, ponies and the feral cat! You would think I was leaving for a month and not a few days.

Hope my stand looks good and people want to buy from me. Here's hoping.

Will pack the car tomorrow after I muck out. Will solve the conumdrum of how I am going to fit everything in tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing the cakes horsewear stand and their new outdoor range of rugs.

Monday, July 28, 2008

arab horse art

I am absolutely crazy about arab horses. I enjoy drawing and painting them immensely.I'm off to the three counties arab horse society show in Malvern this week. I went on twice in the past as a spectator but this year I am not only enjoying the show but have a stand there selling for the first time.

Today has been spent packaging a preparing for the show and also wishing that I had taken a lot more time to produce double the amount of work that I'm taking. Never mind I am sure it will be a very enjoyable experience.